Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Comparison and Goals

I follow a decent number of fitness and food blogs/IGs. They have always been an interest to me and I openly admit to my obsession. I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing.

See, in the fitness world, it is super easy to compare yourself to everyone else. I can't go to the gym without silently critiquing or envying someone. I hate this aspect. I hate that my first response to something is criticism. What is that about?! I mean, let's be real. I am no where near model-status. I have never even caught a glimpse of my abs and considering that I had a quesadilla for dinner, I likely never will. And I'm okay with that! (Mostly) So why do I spend my time judging other people? I don't want them to judge me. I already do enough of that.

So this is my goal: stop critiquing. Be nicer to others and myself. I'm so sick of always beating myself up and hating my body. It's exhausting. Of course that doesn't mean I won't continue to work on changing it. I just need to be better at remembering to love it now for where it is. My body allows me to do some pretty incredible things and I should be thanking God more for that. And remember that everyone's bodies are gifts too. We're all human, just doin' the best we can. We could all use a little more love.

And on that note, here are some more of my fitness/health goals:
-Lose ~20lbs by birthday at the end of October
-Run a half-marathon in 2 hours
-Commit more fully to paleo (and get the hubs on board)
-Stop mindless eating
-Enjoy things more


  1. I have the same problem with critiquing bodies. Can we work on this together? I've been irregularly practicing mindful meditation, I found these podcasts that take you through exercises that I really love. At the end of almost everyone she takes you through a loving kindness meditation where you think of someone that makes you happy and wish peace and good things for them and then you turn around and do the same thing for yourself. It sounds like it could be cheesy but she does a really good job, I love them. Try looking up Mindful Meditations on iTunes and there's a series of 13 from marc.ucla

    1. I would love to embark on this with you. You are beautiful.
