Changing seasons always makes me stupid giddy. Especially fall. I love the fall. I always try and celebrate on the first day of fall (make pumpkin cookies, get hot chocolate, go for a long bike ride on the Burke, etc.) but it usually ends up not as planned. One year it was 90* out. I was so determined to wear my favorite sweater though, I basically died of heat exhaustion. Then another year my bike completely fell apart on me. New tires, new chain rings, lots of money. But I still love it. I still plan on celebrating and welcoming the season. Because I love it.
So here are some other things I'm loving right now:
-Friday Night Lights (the TV show)
-Long morning walks
-Lab time at school
-Scripture study with Dev
-New pajama pants
-and of course, paleo eats
That's basically my life right now. I'm digging it.